
Officers, please see for instructions on updating the website.


Frithuric Ulman

The Baron and Baroness are the ceremonial heads of our local group.


Fiore Leonetta Bardi

The Baron and Baroness are the ceremonial heads of our local group.


Sugawara no Naeme

President of the local chapter, responsible for the business side of the organization

Deputy Seneschal



Justin du Coeur

The chatelaine is in charge of guiding new people through the Current Middle Ages. The perfect person to ask if you don’t know who to ask.

Chancellor of the Exchequer

Cathain Reiter

The exchequer is the group’s treasurer

Minister of Arts and Sciences

Isabel del Okes

Encourages enjoyment and participation in the Arts and Sciences

Golden Gryphon Pursuivant

Orsina della Luna

Head Carolingia herald, helps with registering a name or device or learning more about court or field heraldry


Ysabel da Costa

Publishes news of local events, business meetings, and other happenings of interest in the quarterly Minuscule

Chancellor Minor

Cristoff Gockerhan von Loch

Responsible for the youth activities of the Barony

Gold Key

Orlando dei Medici

This officer is in charge of loaner garb and feast gear. Please contact Gold Key in advance of any event that you might like to attend.


Elspeth Dunckane of Ruthven (She/Hers)

Maintains the baronial website and email accounts


Gudrun Thorvaldsdottir

Keeper of baronial equipment and supplies. Please see the Baronial Inventory page for a list of items.


Eowyn Eilonwy of Alewife Brook

The Historian maintains records and artifacts from the Barony's past.

Minister of Lists

Trentus Nubianus

Maintains records of heavy and rapier fighters, coordinates tournament lists, and supports the baronial marshals

Knight Marshal

Valerian of Somerset

Responsible for fighting practices, authorizations, promoting the activity, and guiding marshals-in-training

Marshal of Fence

Zohane Faber

Responsible for rapier practices, authorizations, promoting the activity, and guiding marshals-in-training

Marshal of Thrown Weapons

Pandaulf of Carolingia

Responsible for thrown weapons practices, promoting the activity, and guiding marshals-in-training

Marshal of Archery

Peter the Red

Responsible for archery practices, promoting the activity, and guiding marshals-in-training


Donato Favro

Takes minutes for the Great Council.

Dance Master

Justin du Coeur

Organizes and teaches the gentle art of dancing.

Liber Editor

Orlando dei Medici

Curates the Baronial contact list. Speak to the Editor for a copy.

Social Media Officer

Edvard Mikkaelson

Responsible for the Official Social Media channels of the Barony

Clerk of the Stables

Etain ingen Ui Neill

Coordinates ridesharing for members of the Barony

An unofficial reference can be found at which lists the official and unofficial offices held, and when they come up for review.